Throttle valve

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Stokes Throttle Valve

Richard Stokes sent the following letter to the editors of The North American Live Steamer, and was printed in the March 1956 edition.

I agree with E.R. Hathaway Jr., in his letter to your magazine, who contends that more articles should be written for the beginner. I for one, and I believe all of us, faced a bewildering and almost impossible beginning. Fortunately for me, I live in an area where old time builders are plentiful, but Heaven help the Live Steam beginner who lives apart from hsi fellow builders, All of us should add our experiences gained into this new North American Live Steamers magazine to encourage the beginner. He, too, likes the smell of burning coal, steam, and hot valve oil, as much as we do. It takes a long time and a lot of effort and experimenting to get 100 pounds plus of steel, iron, copper and brass to come alive so let's make it easier for him. I, for one, will be happy to contribute what little I have gained from building an engine.

So here is an idea that has been proven. A throttle that fits into the small smoke box. On my 10 wheeler it has given excellent results with never a spinning driver. Easy, slow starts and swell for switch yard work.

Richard J. Stokes

5155 Queen St.

Riverside, California

TheNorthAmericanLiveSteamer Vol1No3 Mar1956 018.jpg

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