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* [ AAR Type A Switcher Truck]
* [ AAR Type A Switcher Truck]
* [ AAR Type A Truck, <i>MDM Locomotive Works</i>]

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Building and Powering AAR A Trucks

by Daris A Nevil

5 March 2015

A little over 12 years ago I purchased a set of castings from MDM Locomotive Works to build a pair of AAR A trucks. I am really impressed with this kit, as it includes everything except the motors. It includes all screws and hardware, flame cut parts for brakes, wheels, axle material, even a set of Clippard air brake cylinders. It's really a shame that no one has taken over Jim Murray's fine business.

I have worked on this kit off and on since I purchased it. I had never quite been sure how I was going to power the trucks. I wanted electric driven axles, as I know how to design and wire the electric circuits. Recently (well, about a year ago), I decided to put more effort into constructing the trucks, partially in hopes that an epiphany would come to regarding what motors to use and how to mount them.

This plan has worked. I am nearing completing of the trucks, including the electric motor drives. The motor design is simple but effective. This article will illustrate the method and materials I used.

AAR A Trucks

AAR A type truck, designed by Martin P. Blomberg of General Motors Electro Motive Division.

First, a little background on the AAR A Diesel Truck.

Martin P. Blomberg file a patent application for the truck design on 6 July 1937, and the patent was issued on 15 November 1938. Blomberg worked for General Motors Electro Motive Division at the time.

The AAR A trucks were designed for switcher service where the more complex high-speed passenger locomotive trucks were not needed. The truck uses drop equalizers but does not have swing hangers as used on the Blomberg B and others. A combination of coil springs, and leaf springs, positioned fore-and-aft inside the drop equalizers, give a good balance of damping. The wheelbase is 8 feet 0 inches.

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